

How To Choose a Funeral Home

The question of how to choose a funeral home can weigh heavily on family and friends when a loved one has passed. Not only will that funeral home be a place they will spend long days when they are grieving, but choosing the right funeral home can help lift some…...

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Are Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Worth It?

If you’re like many people, making pre-paid funeral plans isn’t high on your everyday to-do list. That’s understandable. It’s hard to think about end of life issues. Some might find it sad or morbid to plan for a funeral, especially when there’s no immediate reason to think about death. But…...

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What Is Anticipatory Grief and Why Does It Matter?

Anticipatory grief is a grief that is different than the grief we feel when a loved one passes.  What Is Anticipatory Grief? Anticipatory grief is grief that is felt by loved ones before a person passes. It’s common when a loved one is suffering from an illness or a disease,…...

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How and Why to Write An End of Life Letter to Loved Ones

Writing an end of life letter to the people you love might seem like a morbid task. Some might even think it’s a bad idea, to think about our own death in such concrete terms. But writing an end of life letter, whether that’s an end of life letter to…...

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Why You Must Create a When-I-Die File

Creating a When I Die File, or what some call a death folder, can seem like a morbid idea. But hear us out on this: a When I Die File or death folder can be the most thoughtful, loving thing you do for your relatives and those you love. Read…...

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How To Grieve When Death Is a Relief

The concept of relief after death might be a topic that is difficult to talk about. It may seem counterintuitive to think about how to grieve when death is a relief. It might even seem impossible to discuss. Isn’t death always bad? Shouldn’t we always be sad? What happens if…...

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Thinking About Pre-Planning Your Funeral

The advice about pre-planning your funeral long before you think you might need them is solid. Pre-planning your funeral service can save your loved ones the uncertainty and hardship they might have if they try to do it once you’ve passed. Pre-planning can ensure that your wishes will be met…...

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Grieving: Mourning and Remembering

Grieving is a word that encompasses the feelings someone feels when they experience a painful loss. We use it when a loved one dies or when a relationship ends. Grief is how we describe the interiority of loss.  But there are myriad emotions in grief. We might feel bereft, lonely,…...

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How to Ask for Help When Grieving

Knowing how to ask for help when grieving is, for many of us, a challenge. Even if we’ve lost loved ones in the past, every experience with grief is different. Grief can change depending on your age, your relationship to the deceased, your socio-economic status, and so many other factors.…...

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5 Reasons Why Is Grief So Overwhelming

People mourning the death of a loved one often wonder, aloud or to themselves: why is grief so overwhelming? Grief can seem all-consuming. It can cloud every judgment and every interaction. When grief is overwhelming, it can feel like it is taking control of your life. There are real reasons…...

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